MRA: Materiały kongresu w Brisbane z 2012 r. opublikowane online

Ukazały się dwa ostatnie numery periodyku Międzynarodowej Rady Archiwów „COMA”, oba poświęcone materiałom prezentowanym w trakcie Międzynarodowego Kongresu Archiwów w Brisbane w Australii w 2012 r. Pierwsza wolumin (Comma 2012:2) zebrał teksty ukazujące zagadnienia ewolucji technicznych i funkcjonalnych archiwów w XXI w. Drugi numer (Comma 2013:1) zebrał teksty poświęcone identyfikacji środowiska archiwalnego z punktu widzenia samego zawodu archiwisty oraz użytkowników.
Polskim akcentem jest, opublikowane w numerze 2013:1, wystąpienie Naczelnego Dyrektora Archiwów Państwowych prof. Władysława Stępniaka, Identity: Can archives and archivists contribute to fostering and preserving local, regional, and national identities?
Oba numery wydane przez Liverpool University Press.

Spis opublikowanych materiałów z Międzynarodowego Kongresu Archiwów w Brisbane z 2012 r.:

COMMA 2012:2

1. David Fricker, Inroduction;
2. David Fricker, Defining a business model for the digital age at the National Archives of Australia;
3. Hans Hofman, Rethinking the archival function in the digital era;
4. Hervé Lemoine, Une nouvelle organisation pour les services publics d'archives en France;
5. Jane Hunter, John Macarthur, Deborah van der Plaat, Janina Gosseye, Andrew Wilson, Andrae Muys, Gavin Bannerman, A Web 3.0 approach to building an online digital archive of architectural practice in post-War Queensland;
6. Victoria L. Lemieux, Using information visualization and visual analytics to achieve a more sustainable future for archives: A survey and critical analysis of some developments;
7. Kuldar Aas, Tarvo Kärberg,Towards seamless integration of digital archives with source systems (Part 1);
8. Alan Gairey, Kevin O'Farrelly, Robert Sharpe,Towards seamless integration of digital archives with source systems (Part 2);
9. Jorien Weterings, Changing theory into practice: playing the Metadata Game;
10.Karen Anderson, Jeannette A. Bastian, Andrew Flinn, Göran Samuelsson, Virtual experiments in collaborative archival education: constructing a digital laboratory for digital learning;
11.Claire Sibille-de Grimoüard, Implementation of EAC-CPF (Encoded Archival Context - Corporate bodies, Persons, Families) in France: towards the development of national authority files;
12.Richard Lehane, Access to online archival catalogues via web APIs;
13.Mitchell Whitelaw, Towards generous interfaces for archival collections;
14.Christopher A. Lee, Archival application of digital forensics methods for authenticity, description and access provision;
15.Gavan McCarthy, Towards an Archival Commons Licence: managing access to the private domain in the digital universe;
16.Cristina Bianchi, Adapter les meilleures pratiques archivistiques internationales au niveau local: manuel pratique tout simple à destination des petites administrations;
17.Masaya Takayama, From devastation to discovery of hope for tomorrow: efforts towards recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake;
18.Tetsuya Shirai, Efforts of Japanese local government to develop records management and public archives;
19.Shinichi Okamoto, Japan's Public Records and Archives Management Act and challenges after its enforcement.

COMMA 2013:1

1. Introduction: Comma 2013:1 Congress proceedings;
2. Dominique Maurel and Aïda Chebbi, Towards negotiated governance of digital records: individual and collective information practices in organizations;
3. Azman Mat Isa and Nordiana Mohd Nordin, Strategic records and risk management for the sustainability of organizations; a case study investigation;
4. Yuko Matsuzaki, Archives and corporate identity in a changing business environment: The Case of the Kao Corporation;
5. Kåre Olsen, Norwegian war children's work for justice - the role of the archives;
6. Ellen Røsjø, Majority and minority perspectives in archives selection and preservation;
7. Cheryl Avery, The reticent archives: Preserving LGBTTTIQ histories;
8. Seiichi Koike, The Hiroshima University Archives, Japan;
9. Claude Roberto,Identité francophone et archives en milieu minoritaire franco-albertain (Canada);
10.Bente Jensen, Archives as partners in identity-shaping processes through user involvement and dialogues - a Scandinavian point of view;
11.Władysław Stępniak, Identity: Can archives and archivists contribute to fostering and preserving local, regional, and national identities?;
12.Shannon Faulkhead and Brent McKee, Monash Country Lines Archive: Archiving indigenous knowledges;
13.Adrian Cunningham, Laura Millar and Barbara Reed, Peter J. Scott and the Australian ‘series’ system: its origins, features, rationale, impact and continuing relevance.

Poza nielicznymi wyjątkami większość materiałów opublikowano w języku angielskim.

Źródło: MRA Les deux derniers numéros de Comma, relatifs aux présentations au Congrès de Brisbane 2012 sont maintenant disponibles.
Oprac. Adam Baniecki

Poprawiony (niedziela, 30 listopada 2014 18:05)



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