Sympozjum: Trwałość i godność w kontekście cyfryzacji i sztucznej inteligencji w archiwistyce

W dniu 9 marca 2024 r. międzynarodowy uniwersytet Alma Mater Europaea organizuje sympozjum archiwalne, które odbędzie w trybie zdalnym na platformie Zoom w godzinach 9:00-15:00. Moderatorami będą: Peter Pavel Klasinc, Professor; Miroslav Novak, Professor; Zdenka SemličRajh, Professor; professors at the Archivistics - Archival Science - Alma Mater EuropaeaECM.Program sympozjum obejmuje :
- Toward environmentally sustainable digital preservation - Eric Keteelar, professor at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- ISO 9001 Quality Management in Archives - Dieter Schlenker, professor at study programmes of Archival Science at AMEU ECM, Italy
-Sustainability and dignity in archival science - Peter Pavel Klasinc, Archival Councillor, Director of the International Institute of Archival Sciences Trieste-Maribor, Head of study programs of Archival Science at AMEU ECM,Slovenia

- Challenges and Pitfalls of Contemporary Archival Theory and Practice in the Age ofApplied Artificial Intelligence - Miroslav Novak, professor at study programs of Archival Science at AMEU ECM, Slovenia
-Digitizing archival documents: increasing access or protecting privacy andintellectual property - Zdenka Semlič Rajh, professor at study programs of Archival Science at AMEU ECM,Slovenia
-The Right to Be Remembered: From a Legalistic to a Humanitarian Perspective - Charles Farrugia, Professor, University of Malta, Faculty of Media Knowledge Sciences;Rosette Farrugia Bonello, Deputy Director, International Institute on Ageing UnitedNations, Malta
-The issues of archive depots in Slovenia - Jedert Vodopivec, professor at study programs of Archival Science at Alma MaterEuropaea AMEU ECM, Slovenia
-Democratic by Design: Leveraging Enhanced Access to Archives via 3D ModellingTechnology at the Fashion Institute of Technology-State University of New York - Karen Trivette, PhD Candidate, Alma Mater Europaea ECM, USA
-Content Challenges in the Optimization of Documentary and Archival Material - Dimitrij Reja, PhD Candidate, Alma Mater Europaea ECM, Slovenia
-The effects of emotions on certain segments of work in archives - Mojca Horvat, PhD Candidate, Alma Mater Europaea ECM, Slovenia
-The importance of the human factor for the successful operation of a publicauthority through their competences and skills (master’s degree) - Tanja Ribnikar, Master at Archives and records management, Alma Mater EuropaeaECM, Slovenia
-Archival records risks and their management by Slovenian creators (master’sdegree) - Iva Katarina Rimele, Master at Archives and records management, Alma Mater EuropaeaECM, Slovenia
-Artificial intelligence in cultural heritage institutions (YouTube) - Luka Hribar, PhD Candidate, Alma Mater Europaea ECM, Slovenia

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Poprawiony (poniedziałek, 26 lutego 2024 19:57)



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